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When you think about it, it's actually kinda dark... a careless parent lets their child pick what to feed the fish instead of searching up the right one to use, and when they all die she just replaces them.

lol. The boy needs to watch a tutorial on animal care, for sure XD

cool grpahics!


I really like the art.

The crying animation is a bit long and, well, the game basically plays itself. The theme is respected, but I think there's just something about a game without a losing condition that makes it a bit lack luster.

For your first game jam, this is still really cool! Congratz :)

Ty for the compliments! I totally get your point that not being able to lose can mean losing motivation for some player. I knew that from the beginning and I still designed it on purpose like that, to "mess with the concept of winning and losing" as the subtitle of the jam is. I really appreciate the honest review! I go check your game ;)

NO Fish ded :(

u had a lucky run :D try again!

Hey, I think the premise is cool, but in the end is just a luck based game (where you can't lose). I would suggest making the feed action faster and maybe adding some clue about the wrong or right food, maybe each fish changes color depending on what food they like and don't, and then you would have to calculate what food to give them all, taking in account some will die, some will reproduce and some will stay the same, if you get to a point with more than 10 fishes you would have to feed some food that kills more fishes that get reproduced, until you get 10 exactly. But I understand then it would be a different game, so it's just a suggestion. Good luck

ty for the feedback. The possibility of inserting "skill based" decision is definetly interesting, but i kept this to a simple dice-roll "luck based" game to keep it as simple as possible :D